Friday, November 17, 2006

The Interdiction Of Crocs

Recently over the 'Crocs' freak accident, I have officially announced that Crocs are to be banned forever!! Understanding from a fashion point-of-view, it has no nothing to do with being trendy nor fashionable. Why oh why, innocent consumers still purchase such worthless piece of item?

Its a cult! Making victims looking as if they have webfeet....yes, a freakin' duck. QUACK QUACK! If we're talking about comfortability or accessibility, I would rather go barefoot to put myself in that kinda situation. The price for a dumb looking Crocs, unbelievably expensive, seriously you should be shot alive if you would buy to make your money worthwhile.

I hereby state my confirmation regarding the worldwide elimination of Crocs. Anyone found displaying with such progression would suffer heavy consequences.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Nostalgic Nostalgia

Catching up with some old bandmates from school, gave me such a rush in my mind. Images of prior years incident and memories continuously flashed back, was some really... good old times. How amazing it is when we see our changes, physically to mentally, all grown up (ambiguous grin...) and have our own personal endeavors. It seems and felt like just yesterday we hungout at KFC, McDonald's and some food centre, stuffing ourselves with food and more food. Weight issue had never been a problem, the lard bucket look was pretty 'in da house'. Hmm.... Fat people are indeed jolly.

I also recalled my Down Under days, been recurring recollection of my bygones especially my school band days; which I'd hope to catch-up and bring everyone back one fine day. I see on the concurrent situation, it IS happening. Yay!

So much laughter and fooling around, can't educed of how long it was that I've felt this, definitely a hell of a gathering we had. It was so familiar and yet so unfamiliar, but I just can't wait for another meet up. It is addictive - the laughs.