Saturday, September 09, 2006

Gardens by the Bay

The designers were finalized from the "Gardens by the Bay" competition. The winning entrants are Grant Associates - Garden at Marina South and Gustafson Porter - Garden at Marina East , both extremely astonishing submissions.

Grant Associates' design philosophy for the Gardens sees the Marina South Garden as an "intelligent" space which will have "Edutainment gardens" as well as event spaces, show gardens and a conservatory. It captures the essence of a Garden in a downtown setting - the experience of color and vibrancy all year round.

Gustafson Porter positioned the Garden at Marina East as a key Garden, leveraging off the attractive views it offers of the city skyline, looking across the water highlighting the essence of Marina Bay in a subtle and elegant manner.

A wide selection of flowers and foliage providing Gardens by the Bay a spectacular display of vibrancy and color. The winning designs would be exhibited at the Function Hall in the new Botany Centre, Tanglin Core, at the Singapore Botanic Garden.

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