Recently coming across numerous incidents where parent abused the concept of a baby trolley. As I recalled back in my days, the trolley are for baby, hence its called 'baby' trolley. These days, not only it became a shopping trolley, its also causing annoyance to the public. Putting down in words on some personal encounters that really made the top on the stupidity meter.
Incident 1
On board the train, its morning hour and the station is packed with passengers boarding the train. A couple pushing their baby trolley in, with the husband carrying the child and the wife parking the trolley in the middle of both cabin doors, obstructing the way, inconsiderate behavior, rush hour, passengers could've boarded if only trolley was folded and kept aside.
Incident 2
Child is old enough to walk, trolley looks too small to fit the gi-normous kid. Parents obviously incapable to differentiate whether your child is still a baby or kid. Dumbness. The idea of a baby trolley is for babies, its not a kid trolley. An act of over pampering your freaking kid. Unless he/she is physically impaired, utilize those damn legs of theirs.
Incident 3
Supermarket getting groceries, if you can't afford to get a shopping cart, get a shopping basket. NOT! Using your baby trolley to put your goddamn fruits and vegetables. If you wanna go get groceries with your baby, think, do you really need your baby's company? Leave the freaking kid at home.
Incident 4
On the bus, boarding with a baby trolley and carrying the baby at the same time. Obstructing passage way with the trolley. Helplessly unable to fold the trolley with your child on your arms. Word of advise, take a cab or leave your child at home. For the love of god.
Incident 5
On the escalator in shopping malls or train stations. Obey the rules of 'NO' trolley up the escalator. Is it that difficult to use the elevator or lift? Accidents happen everywhere, better to be safe than sorry. I guess parents these days are all risk-takers.
in future, they might use the trolley to run ppl over to commit murder...
that's suppose to be a baby stroller or baby pram... not baby trolley... but i agree using the stroller as shopping basket really too over!!
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